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Approval Process

Approval Process Outline

Action Description
Application Submission Campus units must submit the application at least 30 days prior to the first day of enrollment.
EXST Review EXST reviews within 10 business days from the submission date.
Campus Unit EXST routes submission to the respective dean, chair, and/or division director for approval.
Subcatalog Assignment EXST and DIT create and assign the course subcatalog.
Notification EXST notifies campus unit of final approval.
Action Description
  • Campus units must submit the application at least 30 days prior to the first day of enrollment.
  • Previously approved offerings must be resubmitted through the Open Learning application. 
  • Courses cannot be offered or advertised until approved.
  • Only one non-credit course per application.
  • Commingling between non-credit and credit-bearing courses is not permitted.

Complete Administrator Training

An Open Learning Administrator is required for each campus unit. The identified administrator must complete Open Learning Administrator Training before submitting the application. For complete information, see DIT - Administrator Access.

Obtain DIT Technology Fee Waiver

Campus units seeking a waiver for the DIT Technology Fee should request and obtain this waiver prior to submitting the application. Simply putting in a comment within the application that the course is offered exclusively to UMD students, staff, or faculty does not suffice. Campus units MUST apply for the waiver. Otherwise, campus units are billed automatically.

Review Application Preview Guide

Extended Studies has designed a guide to assist campus units prepare and collect the required information before beginning the online application. See Application Preview Guide.

Open Learning provides campus units with the following options to award certificates. Neither option posts to the University of Maryland transcript.

Open Learning Certificate of Completion (free)

Campus units may create and distribute an Open Learning Certificate of Completion for an Open Learning course. This is a free option and the awarding of this certificate does not require approval from EXST. Once the application has been approved, campus units follow the instructions found at Creating and Launching the Approved Course - Open Learning Certificate of Completion.

UMD Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Certificate

Based upon a nationally recognized measure, UMD Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are awarded for the successful completion of Open Learning courses designed to improve knowledge and skills of professionals in the field. EXST is authorized to award and issue a digital UMD CEU Certificate. The certificate is valid for any organization that recognizes UMD CEUs. EXST maintains a record of all UMD CEUs awarded for five (5) years. There is an associated fee of $25 per certificate.

Campus units must include this request within the application. EXST will not award the UMD CEU Certificate without this approval. Once the application (with the UMD CEU information) has been approved, campus units follow the instructions found at Creating and Launching the Approved Course - UMD CEU Certificate.

Prior to submitting the application, campus units should review and prepare the following:

Upload Files and Submit the Application

Submit the Open Learning Application with the following:

  • UMD CEU Calculation Worksheet (required if offering UMD CEU Certificate)
  • Copy of agreement with external entity (required if working with a third party)

EXST Review

  • EXST reviews within 10 business days of application submission. EXST may request that units provide additional information. Such requests may delay the approval process.
  • EXST routes the application for signature to the respective chair or division director, and dean if applicable.
  • EXST and DIT create and assign the course subcatalog.


EXST notifies the primary contact via email with the following:


Campus units can offer subsequent offerings of existing, previously approved courses at later dates. Approved courses do not expire within the Open Learning platform and may run multiple times. In addition, campus units can simply update the course description, contact information, UMD account number. The approved course’s purpose, learning objectives, learner outcomes, core course content, and agreements within the original application must remain unchanged. Changes to these key elements require a New Open Learning Application.

Important Considerations

  • Unique Titles. The ELMS-Canvas platform does not allow for duplicate titles. A new title or variation is required. For example, adding a date to the existing title is sufficient when creating new multiple/subsequent offering listings.
  • New Instances. It is recommended to create a new course instance in ELMS-Canvas instead of a new section within the same course space.
  • Courses with Approved DIT Tech Fee Waivers. Waivers are based on course approval, free versus fee-based, and audience demographics. Changes could invalidate approved waivers. (Example: UMD-specific student/faculty/staff only audience changes to include or become non-UMD.)

UMD CEUs for Subsequent Offerings

  • If awarding the UMD CEU Certificate, units must submit an updated UMD CEU Calculation Worksheet.
  • The number of qualifying hours and associated CEUs must be the same or less than the original amount by no more than 25%; they may not be greater. Offerings outside of these allowances will not be approved and will require a New Open Learning Application.

Submit the Subsequent Offering Request

  • Select Existing via the Open Learning Application.
  • Subsequent offerings that do not award a UMD CEU Certificate may be offered immediately after they are approved by EXST. Unit-level approvals are not required for subsequent offerings.
  • Subsequent offerings that award the UMD CEU Certificate must wait for review and approval.


EXST notifies the primary contact via email.

  • Identified administrators who already have access to the assigned subcatalog do not need to request access again.
  • If there is a change to the identified administrator, see Open Learning Administrator Access.
  • For issues related to offering Open Learning courses, contact Extended Studies:
  • For questions concerning course design within ELMS-Canvas, Administrator Access, or the Technology Fee, contact the Division of Information Technology:
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