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Freshmen Connection (FC) is a fall semester program that serves University of Maryland (UMD) spring-admitted students by providing access through the effective use of facilities and resources. Students enroll in selected courses, fulfill requirements (Gen Ed and major), earn up to 17 credits toward their undergraduate degree, and keep on track to graduate in four years with their fall admitted peers. Students also enjoy the perks that UMD offers with access to campus housing, dining services, sports and recreation facilities, the libraries, community service volunteer options, student clubs and organizations, counseling services, career services, and campus experiences that include athletic, performing arts, visual arts, and other fall semester events. To participate, students must confirm their offer of spring admission and submit an FC enrollment form. First offered in 2006, over 13,700 students have participated in this program.

Freshmen Connection is part of the fall Approved Semester Calendar and follows the standard 15-week calendar with the standard final exam schedule. For specific start and end dates with corresponding technical, record integrity, and financial-related specifications, see the fall semester Office of the Registrar-University Calendars and Deadlines

The Freshmen Connection microsite provides students with information on the enrollment and registration process, course offerings, advising, orientation, new student requirements, UMD services and resources, academic and financial deadlines, tuition and fees, and payment information. 

Academic advisors from both EXST and Letters and Sciences (LTSC) provide excellent advising support. Unlike fall admitted students, FC students register for courses in the spring semester (i.e., not at summer orientation). Following the release of the admission decision, these advisors meet with students throughout the spring semester (February – May) to provide enrollment assistance. FC students attend a mandatory summer orientation session administered by the Office of Student Orientation and Transition

EXST and LTSC advisors continue to guide students throughout the summer and fall semester. FC students are admitted to the fall semester as non-degree seeking undergraduate students. The “academic home” is Extended Studies. The student’s first semester within their official admitted-degree begins in the spring semester.

In addition to Gen Ed and major requirements, students register for UNIV100. This course provides an introduction to UMD resources as well as provides the means to transition the student from FC to their spring college advising office. In December, FC students register for spring semester having been advised by their official college.

As admitted UMD students, FC participants are subject to all Undergraduate Academic and University policies and procedures. FC students appear on regular class rosters and grade sheets; grades submitted in the same manner as for fall students, including required submission of mid-grades. Students access course schedule, grades, request grade reports, etc. via Testudo.

Credits, Grades and GPA post to the UMD transcript and count towards their UMD degree. Students are placed on academic probation if their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 per University policy. Courses completed during the fall semester are considered resident credit and not transfer coursework.

Students who withdraw from FC in the fall semester are not required to reenroll since the spring semester is their official semester of matriculation. Spring admission is not be jeopardized by withdrawing from or poor performance during the fall semester. Students who defer their offer of spring admission may participate in FC the following year.

EXST provides complete oversight on the FC course selection and scheduling process.  FC staff have devised a comprehensive scheduling grid that takes into account Gen Ed requirements, college, major, and/or supporting area requirements, and resource availability (classrooms and instructors). The program features traditional in-person instruction with a few courses offered via online learning. Classes meet in campus classrooms 3 – 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Friday.  

Given the condensed nature of resource availability, EXST staff ensures Gen Ed options are offered in all available timelines. Staff also considers the following factors when pulling together the upcoming grid:  trends for incoming majors, student performance and course evaluation in past years, and AP and other transfer credits trends. Using this grid, staff have developed a listing of required and suggested courses by major which FC students use to craft their fall schedule.  

Beginning in September for every given year, EXST staff reviews the individual FC course enrollments in the current fall semester and begins to plan offerings for the following year. EXST staff oversee the FC selection criteria for the types, numbers of courses/sections offered, and seats offered. Courses that fulfill Gen Ed and major requirements are given priority. Course offerings change from year to year and past offerings have no guarantee of being offered in subsequent years. Academic units wishing to propose new course offerings for FC must contact EXST. Since 2006, 71% of course offerings have been Gen Ed/Core, 21% UNIV100, and 8% other (major requirements).

Courses offered must meet the Maryland Higher Education Commission's (MHEC) policies on "contact hours"

For complete information on syllabi, textbooks, mid-term grades, final grades, inclement weather and more, see Office of Faculty Affairs – Teaching Policies and Guidelines

  • Mid-term grades are required for all courses. Instructors may enter letter grades (A, B, C, etc.) or a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory marking. FC Advisors contact all students in danger of failing a course for mandatory advising.
  • Deadlines for both mid-term and final grades are posted at the Teaching Policies and Guidelines microsite, above.

Students are assessed tuition, campus fees, and course fees. Students who live on campus are assessed standard housing fees and meal plan fees. Rates are posted at Student Financial Services – Undergraduate – Tuition and Fees


Assessed standard undergraduate tuition based on University-approved residency rates. 

Campus Mandatory Fees

Assessed standard campus mandatory fees based on the number of credits taken in the semester. Students have full access to all campus services.

Course Fees

Assessed if student registers for a course with a University-approved fee (lab, studio, materials).

Student Payment Schedule

The payment schedule for registration associated with classes offered in Freshmen Connection is in alignment with University protocols and is posted at Student Financial Services—Billing Schedule

Extended Studies Administrative Fee  

  • For provided administrative services, EXST charges a per seat fee. 
  • The Provost-approved fee is adjusted annually. Contact for more information. 

Direct Expenses 

  • Course-related costs includes instructional salaries, fringe benefits, supplies and materials, and the EXST administrative fee.
  • Information on allowable expenses are published in the scheduling guidelines.

Net Revenue 

  • Distributable tuition revenue less direct expenses.


  • Freshmen Connection net revenue is distributed by March 1 to the Provost, College Deans, and Departments. 
  • Based on the historical average of total distribution, the Provost has received @20%, College Deans @16%, and Departments @64%.


  • EXST absorbs the campus overhead rate on all direct expenses.
  • For course and program assistance, contact Anne Baum, Associate Director, Summer, Winter, and Undergraduate Programs, at 5-7762 or
  • For budgeting, distribution, and operational assistance, contact Andrew Leighton, Director of Finance and Operations, at 5-0212 or
  • For Freshmen Connection, academic units use (general questions) or (scheduling-related), or
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