Extended Studies Services
About Extended Studies
Extended Studies (EXST) is a self-support unit reporting to the Senior Associate Provost. EXST provides administrative services for a broad range of self-support initiatives that include program development and delivery, program management, marketing and communication, student and program services, and financial management. Developed in partnership with University of Maryland units, these credit and non-credit initiatives target a diverse range of students at the pre-college, undergraduate, graduate, and professional level. By providing quality, innovative learning opportunities, EXST extends the University’s commitment to being a preeminent national center for graduate education, and the institution of choice for undergraduates of exceptional ability and promise.
Extended Studies provides administrative services for the following programs: Summer Session, Pre-College Programs, Winter Session, Freshmen Connection, Undergraduate Programs at the Universities at Shady Grove, Undergraduate Programs at University System of Maryland at Southern Maryland, Professional Graduate Programs, Post-Baccalaureate Programs, Continuing Education (Open Learning), Executive Education, and MOOCs. EXST issues the following documentation:
- Administrative Services Overview. Serves as an outline for EXST processes which are in alignment with UMD policies and procedures.
- Scheduling Guidelines. Provides in-depth instructions and assists academic units in the scheduling of course offerings.
- Appointment Creation Guidebook. Covers how to create specific budget line items and each possible type of faculty appointment.
Extended Studies administrative services described below pertain to Summer Session.
- Act as a resource for compliance with University regulations, policies, and procedures.
- Act as a resource for overall program-related and for special course-program issues that include budgets, instructor payment, materials, supplies, and other costs, and posting of academic unit-sponsored financial aid (if any).
- Oversight of the approval process regarding special course-program tuition and fees.
- Liaise with UMD administrative offices and act as a resource on university regulations, policies, and procedures.
- Manage the annual review and approval process for overall tuition, mandatory fees and special course-program tuition.
- Manage the Course Charge Processor (CCP) review. Update general and special course-program tuition and fees as required.
- Review enrollment on a weekly basis, notifying academic units with waitlisted courses.
- Review final grade submission, notifying academic units with no-grade information.
- Meet regularly with Summer-Winter Sessions Advisory Board.
- Provide overall general program marketing that includes the development and implementation of a program tactical plan based on market research. EXST has a university approved contract with a full-service marketing agency. EXST does not provide marketing support for individual courses or special course-programs but individual programs may access the contract directly via Procurement and Business Services to request marketing directly from this vendor.
- Host the official program microsite, which provides detailed information on overall Summer Session and a brief overview on special offerings with links to the academic unit microsite (if any).
- Oversee scheduling process in accordance with the University’s Scheduling Office timelines and procedures.
- Provide the Summer Session Scheduling Guidelines. Instructions outline important university deadlines and policies.
- For special course-program, place restrictions as required.
- Audit and review for accuracy (i.e., section numbers, center codes, delivery methods, dates, etc.).
- Ensure compliance with MHEC polices on minimum contact hours.
- Assist with staff inquiries.
Undergraduate Admissions
- Oversee online admissions, processing visiting student applications within 48 business hours unless there are exceptions (i.e., judicial, financial, international, etc.), using the following SIS coding:
Major Code: 99999 SUMMR SCHOOL
College Teaching: 32 Extended Studies - Inform applicants of decision, providing admitted students with information on how to access UMD systems and resources.
- Assist with student inquiries.
- Graduate student admissions are processed through the Graduate School.
- Assist with student and staff inquiries.
- For special course-program, assist as required.
- Process withdrawals and other administrative actions.
Student Financial Services
- Ensure that general or special course-program tuition and fees post accurately to student accounts.
- Process withdrawals and other administrative actions as required.
- Ensure that refunds are processed in compliance with standard University policies.
- Review and reconcile Central Collection reports.
- Assist with student inquiries.
- Respond to student inquiries or direct to the appropriate unit.
- Liaise with other units to troubleshoot administrative and technical issues.
- Oversee the process for Exceptions to Academic Policy.
- Provide student-based data for special course-program upon request.
- Manage the implementation of CCP updates with Student Financial Services and Cashiering.
- Manage course budgeting, contracting, and payment processing, following University guidelines. Detailed information is included in the Summer Session Scheduling Guidelines and Appointment Guidebook.
- Provide Breakeven Enrollment Reports.
- Collect course revenue and ensure that allowable course-related expenses are reconciled prior to net revenue distribution.
- Provide transparent accounting through the net revenue distribution report.
- Ensure timely net revenue distribution to academic unit identified KFS accounts.
- For course and program assistance, contact Anne Baum, Associate Director, Summer, Winter, and Undergraduate Programs, at 5-7762 or abaum@umd.edu.
- For budgeting, distribution, and operational assistance, contact Andrew Leighton, Director of Finance and Operations, at 5-0212 or aleighto@umd.edu.
- For Summer Session, academic units use summer@umd.edu (general questions) or summer-sched@umd.edu (scheduling-related), or exst@umd.edu.